HCL Connections

HCL Connections

After the revolutionary success of social networks in the private sector, social business has now also made it from hype to successful corporate strategy.

Nevertheless, the use of social software in companies does not resolve itself and must be planned far-sightedly. We are happy to assist you in developing and implementing strategies to achieve critical mass in your future corporate network.

HCL Connections is a leading social networking platform that helps you get your work done quickly and easily. With Connections, your company can engage the right people, accelerate innovation and deliver results. You can securely share knowledge across traditional organizational boundaries, improve decision making, increase productivity and accelerate time to market. 



HCL Connections 6.5 meets your requirements with flexible development options: on-premise or in the TIMETOACT MSP Cloud. This market leading social networking platform offers you the following advantages:

  • empower people and drive innovation: mobile, web and desktop, even offline
  • Involve people: Filter disturbing factors and illuminate ideas
  • Inspiration for innovation: personalized platform that allows ideas and communities to flourish
  • Trust in people: Work securely with customers and partners and get them talking

Contact us or visit the HCL website for more information about HCL Connections. We can help you develop and implement your social intranet strategy based on HCL Connections. Implementing connections, developing widgets and add-ons, and training your administrators and employees are also part of our portfolio.

You can find information about Connections Apps here.

Discover the Connections Administration Toolkit (CAT)

Our Success Stories:

Technologie Übersicht


As "HCL Platinum Business Partner" we have years of experience with these tools and will continue to support them for you in the future. The TIMETOACT GROUP is one of the largest HCL Software Services providers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

HCL Digital Xperience

HCL Digital Xperience

A portal server is particularly suitable for companies that operate many online services and applications. Several portal pages can be placed and wired together via the "portlet wiring".

HCL Connections

HCL Connections Engagement Center

The HCL Connections Engagement Center (formerly known as XCC) adds communication to the HCL Connections collaboration platform.

einzelne Quadrate in bordeaux, türkis und grau
Produkt 12/1/20

CAT Connections Administration Toolkit

The CAT Connections Administration Toolkit simplifies administration and manages HCL Connections content.

Headerbild zu Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Atlassian


Learn how you can integrate Atlassian products into your daily business to make your processes more efficient.

Logo Atlassian Confluence

Confluence from Atlassian

Create, organize, and collaborate on tasks - all in a single place. Confluence is a workspace for teams and organizations where you can store your documentation and collaboratively develop and share knowledge. Dynamic pages give your team a place to create, capture, and collaborate around projects or idea development.

News 4/29/21

HCL announces monthly fixes for Connections

HCL has announced that there will be a new update strategy for Connections starting May 01, 2021. Therefore, starting in May, there will be monthly fixes for software issues reported by HCL Connections 7.0 customers.

Referenz 3/28/22

24/7 support guarantees stable operation of the intranet

The experts took over the operation of HCL Connections in the fall of 2020 and have since ensured the fail-safe stability of the platform.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.

Headerbild von Enterprise Service Management

Enterprise Service Management

Our Enterprise Service Management Solution offers you a way to make Service Management accessible to all participants via an easy-to-use service portal. You can map your processes in this portal according to defined procedures and connect them to other systems. In addition, you relieve the process participants through automation.

HCL Leap & Volt

HCL Leap and Volt

An intranet has the potential for a fully functional digital workplace. To achieve this, the individual user must have access to various tools.

Logo Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management from Atlassian

Enable developers, operators, and other teams from different departments to collaborate and improve their service management responsiveness. Respond quickly to incidents, requests, and changes, and provide your customers with an optimized service experience.

Headerbild zu IBM Decision Optimization

Decision Optimization

Mathematical algorithms enable fast and efficient improvement of partially contradictory specifications. As an integral part of the IBM Data Science platform "Cloud Pak for Data" or "IBM Watson Studio", decision optimisation has been decisively expanded and embedded in the Data Science process.

Headerbild zu IBM DB2


The IBM Db2database has been established on the market for many years as the leading data warehouse database in addition to its classic use in operations.

Headerbild zu Atlassian Cloud

Cloud from Atlassian

Atlassian Cloud gives even small teams the ability to leverage the Atlassian product world. It allows you to flexibly adjust the number of users. Furthermore, you can choose from three paid variants of Cloud products. In this way, you always adapt your Atlassian product to your individual requirements. The multiple certified Atlassian Cloud solutions are hosted at Amazon Web Services Inc.

Headerbild zur FinOps Consulting

FinOps Consulting

We advise you both commercially and technically on how to gain transparency over your cloud costs and how to reduce them sustainably.

Headerbild zu Microsoft FinOps

FinOps Microsoft - Microsoft Cloud Cost Optimization

TIMETOACT offers license management and compliance consulting in the Microsoft area, as well as technical consulting (e.g. on the use of Azure Services).

Headerbild IBM Cloud Pak for Data

IBM Cloud Pak for Data

The Cloud Pak for Data acts as a central, modular platform for analytical use cases. It integrates functions for the physical and virtual integration of data into a central data pool - a data lake or a data warehouse, a comprehensive data catalogue and numerous possibilities for (AI) analysis up to the operational use of the same.

Headerbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

The IBM Cloud Pak for Automation helps you automate manual steps on a uniform platform with standardised interfaces. With the Cloud Pak for Business Automation, the entire life cycle of a document or process can be mapped in the company.

Haderbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Application

IBM Cloud Pak for Application

The IBM Cloud Pak for Application provides a solid foundation for developing, deploying and modernising cloud-native applications. Since agile working is essential for a faster release cycle, ready-made DevOps processes are used, among other things.