Since the beginning of 2023, companies who wants to demonstrate the quality and maturity of their IT Asset Management System (ITAMS) internally and externally has had the opportunity to be certified in accordance with ISO/IEC 19770-1. In February 2023, HDI AG became the world's first end-user organization to be certified according to ISO/IEC 19770-1. With its effective and efficient ITAM system, HDI IT gains comprehensive transparency over its IT assets and benefits from risk reductions and cost savings. TIMETOACT GROUP accompanied the insurance group on its way there, starting with ITAM maturity analyses, identification and implementation of optimization measures up to obtaining the certification.

Thanks to ISO/IEC 19770-1 certified licence management, HDI reduces risks and saves costs
Initial Situation:
- High complexity of license management and experience with audits
- Requirement to implement and maintain an effective and efficient IT asset management system
- Requirement: optimize costs in the long term and reduce the impact & frequency of audits
- Evolution from a reactive approach to proactive license management
- Regular maturity assessments based on the ISO/IEC 19770-1 standard
- Implementation based on the ISO "Plan-Do-Check-Act" process model
- HDI is the first end-user company worldwide to receive ISO/IEC 19770-1 certification
- Wins the Jury Award and the Overall SAM Project Awards at SAMS DACH 2023
Added value of certification:
- Establish and maintain the most effective ITAM function possible.
- The review by an independent third party
- Improving the efficiency of ITAM
- Reducing the impact and frequency of audits
- Expanding the scope of existing ISO standards
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HDI recognizes cost optimization potential of ITAM
IT Asset Management (ITAM) often does not have the best reputation internally in companies. ITAM is often seen as a doom and gloom solution that ultimately only generates costs and doesn't bring much in the way of benefits. But exactly the opposite is the case. With an optimal ITAM, companies can save costs because they know exactly what they need and only buy/rent the IT assets they really need. In addition, costs are avoided because the risk of a negative audit is reduced, in which relicensing at higher prices or even penalties could be threatened.
HDI, a multi-brand insurance group based in Germany, recognized the benefits of ITAM and in 2015 set itself the goal of implementing and maintaining an effective and efficient IT asset management system. Due to the high complexity of license management and a corresponding audit history, the insurance group decided to rely on the support of TIMETOACT GROUP in 2016.

The benefits of ITAM are much broader than people think. It is the nucleus for every other IT process. If you don’t know what you have, you can’t manage it. The audit process was the perfect way to get all the relevant stakeholders across the business in one room to make the case for ITAM and demonstrate its value.
From reactive to proactive license management
At the beginning, HDI's license management concentrated on implementing the results of the software license audits, closing license gaps that had been identified, and making initial improvements in the handling of licenses. In the course of this, the TIMETOACT GROUP experts carried out initial analyses of the ITAM system. The goal was to sustainably improve the IT asset management, optimize costs in the long term and reduce the impact and frequency of audits. With this implementation, the maturity of HDI's ITAM system increased and evolved from a reactive to a proactive license management.
An important part of this change were regular maturity assessments based on the ISO/IEC 19770-1 standard, which laid the foundation for certification at an early stage. Following the ISO process model "Plan-Do-Check-Act", the experts of TIMETOACT GROUP together with HDI were responsible for the improvement of governance.

This included the development of a business plan, creation of policies, description of roles, assignment of responsibilities and definition of processes. The first step was to create an optimal basis ("plan") in order to subsequently introduce and operate the governance ("do"). In this model, regular reviews of the performance of the ITAM system ("check") were of central importance. This revealed any gaps that still existed and defined measures that led to continuous improvement ("act").
In 2022, HDI was very confident about the quality of its ITAM system and the processes and governance behind it. However, without a globally recognized ISO/IEC 19770-1 certification, the insurance group had no way to officially test and demonstrate its maturity to internal and external stakeholders, which is of enormous value, especially for an insurance company.
HDI puts its license management to the test
Dr. Jan Hachenberger, Head of Performance Strategy at TIMETOACT GROUP and member of the ITAM Standards Committee, informed HDI about the ITAM Forum's intentions to develop the world's first certification system according to ISO/IEC 19770-1.

As soon as we heard about The ITAM Forum’s plans to develop such a certification, we leapt at the opportunity to put ourselves to the test.
The certification process comprises a total of four phases:
GAP analysis:
As part of a pre-audit, an overview of the ITAM system is created and the maturity level is assessed. -
The actual audit or examination of the ITAM system is performed by an external auditor. Until this audit, the company has time to close the last gaps that were discovered in the GAP analysis. -
Assessment Report:
The company has the opportunity to correct non-conformities within a certain period of time. -
After successful audit, the company obtains the certification, which is valid for three years.
Depending on the company and the maturity of the ITAM system, the certification process takes different lengths of time. Since HDI had already done preparatory work for years and always aligned its ITAM with the ISO standard, the certification process at HDI took only a few months.
As an official ITAM Forum Certification Patron, TIMETOACT GROUP supports customers in the preparation ("readiness") and in the actual certification process. Thus, the TIMETOACT GROUP experts not only acted as trusted advisors and advocates for HDI, but also for the external auditor.
Advantages for HDI through ISO/IEC 19770-1 certification
Create and maintain the most effective ITAM function:
By aligning its management systems with the global standard, HDI can ensure that its services meet the highest standards of IT asset management. -
The verification of an independent third party:
The process for obtaining ISO 19770-1 included a multi-stage audit by Brand Compliance, currently the world's only official auditor of the system. This determined that HDI met the high standards. -
Improve the efficiency of ITAM:
Regular performance analysis and continuous improvements ensure that HDI's processes are as optimal as possible
Reducing the impact and frequency of audits:
Better preparation makes audits less disruptive to the business and less likely to result in an expensive and unbudgeted outcome. In addition, it is desirable that certification discourages manufacturers from auditing. -
Expanding the scope of existing ISO standards:
Adding ISO 19770-1 to existing certifications (ISO 27001 and ISO 9000) brings additional efficiencies and improvements to HDI's management systems.

The certification process is always a win-win. Either at the end you know exactly what you have and you meet the international standards, or gaps are identified where there is still potential for action. So no matter how the certification process ends, the company always benefits.
Successful ISO certification according to 19770-1
In February 2023, HDI finally became the world's first end-user company to achieve ISO/IEC 19770-1 certification, which is now valid for a period of three years, during which two surveillance audits and, if necessary, a re-certification will take place.
Following the certification, HDI, in cooperation with TIMETOACT GROUP, won the Jury Award and the Overall SAM Project Award at SAMS DACH 2023, recognizing the best overall SAM project and the best individual solution in a SAM project. The jury consisted of selected SAM experts in DACH. Based on this good cooperation, HDI will now take over the ITAM Forum Chapter Germany leadership with TIMETOACT GROUP as co-lead/representative.

The ITAM experts of TIMETOACT GROUP supported us throughout the entire development process of our ITAM system with best-practice consulting from conception to implementation. With their broad network and wealth of experience, they were always a good partner for us for all questions that even went beyond ITAM
HDI still improves its ITAM - according to the motto "after certification is before certification". The IT Asset Management Experts of TIMETOACT GROUP continue to support the insurance group in the regular review and continuous improvement of the ITAM system.

HDI is a multi-brand insurance company based in Hannover, Germany. It is part of the Talanx Group and offers personal and commercial insurance. HDI operates in more than 175 countries through branches, subsidiaries and affiliates and offers international industrial insurance programs. HDI IT provides services for the German primary insurance business and the non-independent foreign branches.