We work with Kofax

With the support of Kofax Capture™, TIMETOACT GROUP automates and accelerates business processes. Paper documents and forms of any type can be captured, converted into reliable, always-available information. The information can be delivered to your business applications, processes and workflows.

Access costs can be significantly reduced, while compliance with regulations and policies is improved. Kofax Capture is flexible and scalable, allowing customers to define where and how images are captured and indexed, such as in a home office, branch office or back-office data center.

Teaserbild Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Beratung

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) & Archiving

With Enterprise Content Management (ECM), all data, information and documents are stored, archived and managed in a context-related manner on a single platform. ECM systems offer numerous advantages for managing the increasing number of (un)structured electronic documents and data.

Headerbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

The IBM Cloud Pak for Automation helps you automate manual steps on a uniform platform with standardised interfaces. With the Cloud Pak for Business Automation, the entire life cycle of a document or process can be mapped in the company.


Enterprise Content Management (ECM) & Archiving

With Enterprise Content Management (ECM), all data, information and documents are stored, archived and managed in a context-related manner on a single platform. ECM systems offer numerous advantages for managing the increasing number of (un)structured electronic documents and data.

Headerbild zu Operationalisierung von Data Science (MLOps)

Operationalization of Data Science (MLOps)

Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support almost any business process based on facts. Many companies are in the phase of professional assessment of the algorithms and technical testing of the respective technologies.

Logo okta
Technologie Übersicht


Okta is the leading independent provider of Cloud identity solutions for enterprises. Okta's vision is to enable any business to use any technology.

Bannerbild zu Application Performance Monitoring Service

Application Performance Monitoring Service

Application Performance Monitoring automates the IT monitoring of your applications, detects impending failures in advance and reduces manual activities to a minimum.

Bannerbild zu Application Performance Monitoring Service

Application Performance Monitoring Service

Application Performance Monitoring automates the IT monitoring of your applications, detects impending failures in advance and reduces manual activities to a minimum.

Referenz 12/27/23

Managing sensitive data through digital personnel files

TIMETOACT enables the digital management of approximately 1600 files and 20,000 personnel documents for Pfalzwerke. Managing and editing sensitive personnel data is now secure, requires less effort and is possible from anywhere.

Logo Microsoft
Technologie Übersicht


Since the end of the 1990s, Microsoft has been increasingly involved with the topic of business intelligence and, with the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform (MS BI), offers a complex and fully comprehensive solution for all issues.

Referenz 4/22/21

Flexibility in the data evaluation of a theme park

With the support of TIMETOACT, an theme park in Germany has been using TM1 for many years in different areas of the company to carry out reporting, analysis and planning processes easily and flexibly.

Teaserbild zu Data Integration Service und Consulting

Data Integration, ETL and Data Virtualization

While the term "ETL" (Extract - Transform - Load / or ELT) usually described the classic batch-driven process, today the term "Data Integration" extends to all methods of integration: whether batch, real-time, inside or outside a database, or between any systems.

Headerbild zu IBM Planning Analytics mit Watson

IBM Planning Analytics mit Watson

IBM Planning Analytics with Watsons enables the automation of planning, budgeting, forecasting and analysis processes using IBM TM1.

Headerbild IT Controlling

IT Controlling – Determination and allocation of IT costs

We help to make IT controlling processes efficient and effective and to introduce suitable procedures for the internal allocation of IT costs.

Headerbild zu Containerisierung mit Open Source

Containerisation with Open Source

Containerization is the next stage of virtualization and provides secure and easy compartmentalization of individual applications. The process of deploying an app has been simplified many times in recent years.

Headerbild zu Data Governance Consulting

Data Governance

Data Governance describes all processes that aim to ensure the traceability, quality and protection of data. The need for documentation and traceability increases exponentially as more and more data from different sources is used for decision-making and as a result of the technical possibilities of integration in Data Warehouses or Data Lakes.

Headerbild zu Agile Softwareentwicklung

Agile Software Development

A project rarely turns out as it was initially planned. Agility does not only apply to Project Management, but also to methods and processes of Software Development in order to avoid risks and undesirable developments during the process.

Gemüse in einem Korb
Referenz 1/28/22

edcom Vacation Manager in use at QS Qualität und Sicherheit

The international company with a staff of 70 uses the edcom Vacation Manager for Microsoft Office 365 to manage leave and business trip requests.

Teaserbild zu IT-Strategie Beratung

IT strategy – A clear goal and the way to achieve it

The IT strategy provides you with the plan for the long-term development of your IT organisation, necessary technologies, processes and digital culture.

Navigationsbild zu Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting usable information. On this basis, sound decisions can be made.

Technologie Übersicht 7/13/20


OneLogin is one of the leading identity management and single sign-on (SSO) distributors. Companies of all sizes use the company's solutions to secure business data and increase the efficiency of IT administrators and end users. As a Certified Partner, TIMETOACT's experts can advise you on all aspects of using OneLogin's products.