Smarter mobility with the portal switchh

TIMETOACT connects forms in the portal with IBM and thus provides complementary mobility

Cologne/Hamburg – Subway, S-Bahn, bus, car, ferry or bicycle: The pilot project "switchh" of HOCHBAHN in cooperation with Europcar and Car2Go makes the whole of Hamburg mobile. TIMETOACT brought the systems of the partner companies together to enable fully complementary mobility.

Faster mobility: The portal integrates all associated partner companies so that customers do not have to switch between providers (Verkehrsverbund, Car2Go, Europcar) during registration.

The holistic platform approach also bundles the subsequent administrative and self-service processes from the perspective of HOCHBAHN employees and customers. At the service point at Berliner Tor, for example, all customer registration information is brought together – with a focus on customer satisfaction.

The integration of web analysis tools allows HOCHBAHN to continuously improve customer service. Pages in the portal and forms that are not intuitive to use are thus actively identified and optimized – to the satisfaction of the customer.

Operation, support and innovative further development of the overall applications are carried out by TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH.

Mobility of the future – With forms in the portal, Hamburgers reach their destination even faster

Subway, S-Bahn, bus, car, ferry or bicycle: The pilot project "switchh" of HOCHBAHN in cooperation with Europcar and Car2Go makes the whole of Hamburg mobile. switchh takes Hamburgers without their own car to all points of the city in an uncomplicated and flexible way.

switchh is the new generation of transportation. The HVV app displays complete information on all means of transportation and combination options. No matter where in the greater Hamburg area the destination is located – the app determines the fastest possible route to get there. In addition to pure information, it also offers all other conveniences from a single source: train ticket, Car2Go, rental car or a cab can be ordered with one click.

Real-time communication connects customers, partners and employees

Switchh is a joint project between HOCHBAHN and various mobility service providers, such as Europcar and Car2Go. By combining rail and road, switchh enables customers to be flexibly mobile quickly, efficiently and cost-consciously. TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH provides the design, implementation and operation for the switchh platform using best practices and IBM technology, such as:

  • IBM Forms Experience Builder
  • IBM Web Content Management
  • IBM WebSphere Portal
  • IBM WebSphere Process Server

Presentation at IBM BusinessConnect 2013

The new IBM BusinessConnect combines three successful events in one top-class event on October 15 and 16, 2013. TIMETOACT is Gold Sponsor of the event and informs about Business Integration, Business Intelligence, E-Commerce and Social Business.

The joint presentation by Timo Röntsch (Hamburger Hochbahn AG) and Joubin Rahimi (TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH) focused on the technical implementation of the switchh project.

Hermann Ballé, Falk Kronen and Torsten Hoffmann
Many people visited our booth
Mr. Röntsch (HOCHBAHN) & Mr. Rahimi (TIMETOACT)

Used technologies:


HOCHBAHN Managed Services

A high-performance and transparent IT forms the basis for being able to react quickly to new requirements. The IT specialists of TIMETOACT GROUP take over the managed services for the entire IBM WebSphere platform of Hamburger Hochbahn AG (HOCHBAHN).


Introduction of Jira to Hamburger Hochbahn

The Hamburger Hochbahn AG controls the development of its new mobility platform "Switchh" via the Atlassian project management tool Jira – introduced, administered and hosted by the TIMETOACT GROUP.

Logo Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management from Atlassian

Enable developers, operators, and other teams from different departments to collaborate and improve their service management responsiveness. Respond quickly to incidents, requests, and changes, and provide your customers with an optimized service experience.

Headerbild zu Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Atlassian


Learn how you can integrate Atlassian products into your daily business to make your processes more efficient.

Headerbild zu Incident Kommunikation Management

Incident communication management

Statuspage allows you to keep track of the status of individual system-relevant components as well as a history of past incidents. Our self-created solution also allows you to connect various monitoring tools and query them in specific cycles. The component failure automatically generates an e-mail to your ticket system.

Headerbild von Enterprise Service Management

Enterprise Service Management

Our Enterprise Service Management Solution offers you a way to make Service Management accessible to all participants via an easy-to-use service portal. You can map your processes in this portal according to defined procedures and connect them to other systems. In addition, you relieve the process participants through automation.

Referenz 3/28/22

24/7 support guarantees stable operation of the intranet

The experts took over the operation of HCL Connections in the fall of 2020 and have since ensured the fail-safe stability of the platform.

Technologie Übersicht


As "HCL Platinum Business Partner" we have years of experience with these tools and will continue to support them for you in the future. The TIMETOACT GROUP is one of the largest HCL Software Services providers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


The digital customer file with IBM Content Manager

The prefabricated house specialist SchwörerHaus KG has relied on IBM technology for many years to set up a digital customer file.

Navigationsbilc zu Application Development

Application Development

Application Development refers to the process of modifying, designing and/or developing one or more applications. Gaps in the software landscape can be closed by tailoring applications individually to the customer.

Referenz 10/25/22

Interactive online portal identifies suitable employees

TIMETOACT digitizes several test procedures for KI.TEST to determine professional intelligence and personality.

Headerbild zu Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Application Modernization focuses on modernizing existing applications. The key to success in Application Modernization is the strategy and selection of projects.

HCL Digital Xperience

HCL Digital Xperience

A portal server is particularly suitable for companies that operate many online services and applications. Several portal pages can be placed and wired together via the "portlet wiring".


Dresscode and eBagTag - Customized protective clothing

Bayer AG communicates with its customers in the field of Crop Science via online portals developed by TIMETOACT GROUP.

Logo Atlassian Confluence

Confluence from Atlassian

Create, organize, and collaborate on tasks - all in a single place. Confluence is a workspace for teams and organizations where you can store your documentation and collaboratively develop and share knowledge. Dynamic pages give your team a place to create, capture, and collaborate around projects or idea development.

Referenz 1/27/22

Talend migration in record time

TIMETOACT migrated the Talend Data Integration Suite, including all workflows and processes, to the internal system environment of the municipal utility (with a subscription license) within a very short period of time and will continue to provide support as a support partner in the future if required.


TIMETOACT implements integrated insurance software

Less than one year from project start to system implementation: TIMETOACT developed the integrated, browser-based insurance software "HERMES" for the VOV D&O insurance association. The cross-departmental individual software completely covers all core processes of the insurance company. Users particularly appreciate the intuitive user interface and the high performance of HERMES.

Referenz 4/22/21

Flexibility in the data evaluation of a theme park

With the support of TIMETOACT, an theme park in Germany has been using TM1 for many years in different areas of the company to carry out reporting, analysis and planning processes easily and flexibly.

Headerbild zu Atlassian Cloud

Cloud from Atlassian

Atlassian Cloud gives even small teams the ability to leverage the Atlassian product world. It allows you to flexibly adjust the number of users. Furthermore, you can choose from three paid variants of Cloud products. In this way, you always adapt your Atlassian product to your individual requirements. The multiple certified Atlassian Cloud solutions are hosted at Amazon Web Services Inc.

Referenz 6/1/23

Managed service support for central platform stability

To ensure the quality, availability and performance of the platform at all times, TIMETOACT supports N-ERGIE as a managed service partner.