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Third Party Integration

Integration of HCL Connections and Connections Engagement Center (CEC) between Jira and Confluence

ICEC Atlassian Confluence & Jira Integration

In addition to IBM Connections and ICEC, many companies use additional tools such as the Wiki Confluence or the ticketing solution Jira, which are specialized for particular groups and tasks, mostly in parts of the organization. For their users, however, this means regularly juggling a number of platforms, browser windows, users and passwords in their everyday work. The concept of bringing the most important information together in a central Digital Workplace platform (HCL and beyond) is now being consistently continued with the ICEC Atlassian Confluence & Jira integration. 

Atlassian Integration Features

  • Based on the versatile Integration Center
  • Single Sign On
  • Jira Widgets
  • Confluence Widgets 

Atlassian Integration Benefits 

  • Fewer platform jumps
  • Find information faster
  • Facilitate the entry into the Atlassian world for new or irregular users 
  • Possibility of new dashboard options integrated in ICEC pages 
  • New backend options for a social intranet based on a Confluence Wiki instead of the CNX Wiki for static content like documentation etc. 
  • Basic technology available for various other integration scenarios 

A uniform basic technology for various other integration projects

To ensure integration of different systems, the Integration Center consists of a NodeJS server, which optionally runs on a Docker Container onPremise or is hosted by TIMETOACT in a private or public cloud. The NodeJS server is used as a stable middleware to manage the various authentication methods via OAuth. Thus ICEC becomes a platform for information from different systems. 

Further assets & integrations can be easily integrated into the Integration Center, for example: 

Our Success Stories:

Headerbild zu Tempo Customizing und Integration

Tempo Customizing and Integration

Adapt Tempo for Jira to your needs and integrate your Atlassian time recording into the ERP landscape, such as SAP or HCL Domino, seamlessly.

Software License Consulting & Cost Optimization

Our starter packages

Fast access to a modern and scalable service desk, efficient task and Project Management across all business processes and performance check

Logo Atlassian Confluence

Confluence from Atlassian

Create, organize, and collaborate on tasks - all in a single place. Confluence is a workspace for teams and organizations where you can store your documentation and collaboratively develop and share knowledge. Dynamic pages give your team a place to create, capture, and collaborate around projects or idea development.

Headerbild zum Enterprise Service Portal

Enterprise Service Desk

With technical and professional-methodical competence, our ITIL experts advise our customers in all questions regarding the design and organization of processes and the further development of a modern service desk.

Logo Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management from Atlassian

Enable developers, operators, and other teams from different departments to collaborate and improve their service management responsiveness. Respond quickly to incidents, requests, and changes, and provide your customers with an optimized service experience.

Headerbild Talend Data Integration

Talend Data Integration

Talend Data Integration offers a highly scalable architecture for almost any application and any data source - with well over 900 connectors from cloud solutions like Salesforce to classic on-premises systems.

Headerbild Talend Application Integration

Talend Application Integration / ESB

With Talend Application Integration, you create a service-oriented architecture and connect, broker & manage your services and APIs in real time.

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Cloud from Atlassian

Atlassian Cloud gives even small teams the ability to leverage the Atlassian product world. It allows you to flexibly adjust the number of users. Furthermore, you can choose from three paid variants of Cloud products. In this way, you always adapt your Atlassian product to your individual requirements. The multiple certified Atlassian Cloud solutions are hosted at Amazon Web Services Inc.

Atlassian Logo

Bamboo, Bitbucket, Sourcetree

Continuous Integration and a Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Bamboo, Bitbucket and Sourcetree. We can help you with our years of experience as a user as well as a solution partner of Atlassian products in many areas.

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Learn how you can integrate Atlassian products into your daily business to make your processes more efficient.

Teaserbild zu Data Integration Service und Consulting

Data Integration, ETL and Data Virtualization

While the term "ETL" (Extract - Transform - Load / or ELT) usually described the classic batch-driven process, today the term "Data Integration" extends to all methods of integration: whether batch, real-time, inside or outside a database, or between any systems.


Introduction of Jira to Hamburger Hochbahn

The Hamburger Hochbahn AG controls the development of its new mobility platform "Switchh" via the Atlassian project management tool Jira – introduced, administered and hosted by the TIMETOACT GROUP.

Logo Talend
Technologie Übersicht


Lay the foundation with Talend, coupled with the expertise of certified data experts from TIMETOACT. Take advantage of the diverse and long-standing experience to identify the methods, architectures and software components that are right for you.


Timechanger: Bulk changes to worklogs in Jira Datacenter

Adapt Tempo for Jira to your needs and integrate your Atlassian time recording into the ERP landscape, such as SAP or HCL Domino, seamlessly.With our Timechanger plugin, you can move worklogs in Jira Datacenter to another issue and another account via bulk change.


License Optimization

With our License Consulting we help you to determine the actual demand and to carry out a RightSizing in coordination with you. .


Atlassian Fisheye

Atlassian Fischeye ensures that all changes to the source code are easily traceable. Fisheye is especially helpful for source codes with a lot of important information

Produktive Teams führen zu zufriedenen Kunden

Webcast: Productive teams lead to satisfied customers

In a webcast, Arne Ralf, Atlassian Specialist at the TIMETOACT GROUP, will explain in a practical example how to unleash the full potential of your teams with a company-wide service desk and much more.

Headerbild zu IBM DataStage

IBM InfoSphere Information Server

IBM Information Server is a central platform for enterprise-wide information integration. With IBM Information Server, business information can be extracted, consolidated and merged from a wide variety of sources.


Digitized processes increase efficiency

TIMETOACT & X-INTEGRATE accompany energy supplier e-regio on the way to digitalization. The consulting services in the project included the fields of content management, archiving, collaboration and automation.

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Operationalization of Data Science (MLOps)

Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support almost any business process based on facts. Many companies are in the phase of professional assessment of the algorithms and technical testing of the respective technologies.