Produktive Teams führen zu zufriedenen Kunden

Webcast: Productive teams lead to satisfied customers

Unleash the full potential of your company through better customer contact

Whether knowledge management, IT or service desk, the topic of service management is becoming increasingly important for customer satisfaction. Not only the IT infrastructure, but also distributed and cross-location internal workflows must function without interruption. This increases the need for a central point of contact that controls all business processes smoothly and provides the best possible support.

In order to develop the full potential of a company, Atlassian combines all requirements of modern service management in a central, ITIL-certified solution: JIRA Service Desk.

Learn more about Atlassian's enterprise-wide service management approach in our live webinar.

Learn more in the webcast

In a webcast Arne Ralf, Atlassian Specialist at the TIMETOACT GROUP, explains in a practical example

  • how to unleash the full potential of your teams with a company-wide service desk
  • which processes, automation rules and templates are included out-of-the-box as on-board tools.
  • how to set up your customized Service Desk in just a few days.

HOCHBAHN Managed Services

A high-performance and transparent IT forms the basis for being able to react quickly to new requirements. The IT specialists of TIMETOACT GROUP take over the managed services for the entire IBM WebSphere platform of Hamburger Hochbahn AG (HOCHBAHN).

Headerbild zu Mendix in der Fertigungsindustrie

Mendix in the manufacturing industry

Have solutions designed directly by the experts in your company's divisions and thus ensure that the solution implements the exact requirements of the specialist department. Use a wide variety of connectors to collect and evaluate all decision-relevant information.

Headerbild zum Enterprise Service Portal

Enterprise Service Desk

With technical and professional-methodical competence, our ITIL experts advise our customers in all questions regarding the design and organization of processes and the further development of a modern service desk.


The digital customer file with IBM Content Manager

The prefabricated house specialist SchwörerHaus KG has relied on IBM technology for many years to set up a digital customer file.

Headerbild für IBM SPSS

IBM SPSS Modeler

IBM SPSS Modeler is a tool that can be used to model and execute tasks, for example in the field of Data Science and Data Mining, via a graphical user interface.

Headerbild zum TIMETOACT Onboarding
Referenz 9/28/20

Onboarding solution of TIMETOACT

Introducing new employees to the company is faster, easier and more efficient with an efficient ticket system in Jira, for example. Our experts have developed a solution for this.


Expedition zum Identity Management

Webcast: "Expedition zum Identity Management"

Technologie 1/12/22

Our service offer for Mendix

The Dutch software manufacturer gives us the possibilities to create platform-independent low/no-code solutions for you with its products. In addition, we offer a wide range of services related to Mendix and are available to you from conceptual design to hosting and operation of your new solution.

Headerbild zu Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration | Atlassian

The TIMETOACT team has been able to develop best practices as a result of a large number of migrations in recent years. These form the foundation of our standards, templates, scripts, and checklists and help you to move securely into the Cloud.

Checkliste als Symbol für die verschiedenen To Dos im Bereich Lizenzmanagement
Blog 2/1/22

License Management – Everything you need to know

License management is not only relevant in terms of compliance but can also minimize costs and risks. Read more in the article.

Teaserbild zu Data Integration Service und Consulting

Data Integration, ETL and Data Virtualization

While the term "ETL" (Extract - Transform - Load / or ELT) usually described the classic batch-driven process, today the term "Data Integration" extends to all methods of integration: whether batch, real-time, inside or outside a database, or between any systems.


Introduction of Jira to Hamburger Hochbahn

The Hamburger Hochbahn AG controls the development of its new mobility platform "Switchh" via the Atlassian project management tool Jira – introduced, administered and hosted by the TIMETOACT GROUP.

Referenz 8/22/23

Managed service support for optimal license management

To ensure software compliance, TIMETOACT supports FUNKE Mediengruppe with a SAM Managed Service for Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle and IBM.

Referenz 1/26/22

Automation lays the foundation for smooth archive changeover

For Rottendorf Pharma GmbH, the ECM experts of TIMETOACT GROUP have reattached all file attachments from the IBM archive to the corresponding e-mails in the mailing system. This was done automatically and with little manual effort using the specially developed Notes tool "ArchiveUsers".

Referenz 5/10/21

TIMETOACT simplifies reporting in IBM Cognos

In the course of modernizing the application for Bette GmbH & Co. KG, TIMETOACT individually expanded the filter and selection options in IBM Cognos to include important customer-specific functions. The family-owned company particularly benefits from the search and grouping function.

Headerbild zu Managed Services

Managed Services & Support

Our Managed Services ensure that applications are operated for you with a holistic understanding of infrastructure, licenses, support, applications and the corresponding expertise. This is done regardless of whether the application is to be operated at a hyperscale such as IBM Cloud, Google, AWS, Azure or onPrem.


Timechanger: Bulk changes to worklogs in Jira Datacenter

Adapt Tempo for Jira to your needs and integrate your Atlassian time recording into the ERP landscape, such as SAP or HCL Domino, seamlessly.With our Timechanger plugin, you can move worklogs in Jira Datacenter to another issue and another account via bulk change.

Referenz 10/4/21

Support for IBM software licenses and ILMT for GLS

TIMETOACT not only takes over the support of the ILMT for GLS IT Service GmbH and assists with the compliance of license requirements, but also advises in the future on questions regarding licensing and license acquisition.

Referenz 6/1/21

Continuous license support pays off

If IBM software is used, the compliance-conforming use of the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) plays a decisive role. TIMETOACT ensures compliance with IBM regulations for a city administration in North Rhine-Westphalia and continuously monitors the correct licensing.

HCL Notes Domino

Notes / Domino

Within the TIMETOACT GROUP we have decades of experience with Notes and Domino. As HCL Business Partner we offer you a fast and uncomplicated access to the manufacturer.