Kick-off: TIMETOACT launches implementation of Envizi ESG Suite

ESG diary | delta pronatura focuses on more sustainability | Part 1Contact us now
Compliance with ESG and sustainability standards is mandatory for companies in order to meet the requirements of the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The delta pronatura group of companies therefore decided to commission TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbH and IBM Technology Expert Labs to implement the Envizi ESG Suite. IBM's SaaS solution enables ESG data to be consolidated for analysis and reporting. Find out more about the ongoing project in our diary.

Kick-Off and Stakeholder-Engagement

The kick-off of the implementation project took place in mid-March. At an initial remote meeting, all of delta pronatura's stakeholders and partners, including the management sponsor, were brought together to introduce employees, the project method and the timeframe for the project. “We gave the kick-off participants demonstrations of the ESG suite and showed them where it starts and what it can help to change in terms of sustainability,” explains Marc Bastien.

The family-owned company delta pronatura, headquartered in Egelsbach in southern Hesse, has been working in the fields of detergents, care products and cleaning agents since 1934. The company owes its national and international success in the consumer goods industry not least to its openness to strategic realignment. In the current case of the implementation of the cloud-based Envizi ESG Suite, the company enlisted the help of Marc Bastien, TIMETOACT Software Architect, and Courtney Kennedy from IBM Technology Expert Lab Services.

Project methodology and challenges

In line with the “configure, don't implement” approach, all those involved in the project were then slowly introduced to the solution step by step by delta pronatura. “In the following two weeks, the team learned a lot about the IBM Envizi project method, the tasks of the various team members and sensible timing,” explains Marc Bastien.

Above all, the team learned about the special features of the Envizi Suite. It almost exclusively covers the sustainability requirements of the respective specialist departments, while the company's IT infrastructure is not relevant in this project: Envizi is being implemented as a SaaS solution and delta pronatura has decided not to connect any of its systems via an interface.

Support for the project team

The project team receives support in organizing the next steps from a project management office (PMO) and a very dedicated sustainability manager, who had already done considerable preparatory work to ensure smooth communication. It should be emphasized that a regular exchange about the project plan and the implementation method prevents unrealistic expectations being placed on the ESG project.

Report Gathering Workshop (RGW) and data management

“We are now starting to prepare for the important ‘Report Gathering Workshop (RGW)’, in which the customer can bring in their specific requirements with which Envizi will later be configured,” says Courtney Kennedy. Questions about data management, in particular who is responsible for data input and how this is structured, also need to be clarified, continues Kennedy.

Templates and account understanding

The use of templates helps to ensure that the FMEA runs smoothly. It is also important to clarify the understanding of “Envizi accounts” and how they are integrated into the process. Weekly meetings are currently being held to help clarify open questions so that everything is ready for the go-live. There is still a need for clarification regarding data entry. As Envizi is not activated per user but per function, the distribution of roles and rights for specialist users and countries plays an important role.
The current implementation strategy does not yet provide for any interfaces. This means that “data entry users” have to be found, who on the one hand take on responsibility and on the other hand have to be trained. IBM's EMEA organization is helpful in this context, as it makes European and global expertise on these and other topics quickly available.


In the next article in our ESG diary, you can read more about the templates and why a quick start is not always desirable. You will learn insider knowledge that sheds light on the importance of “data entry users” and the challenges of training and integrating these users.

The author: Marc Bastien

Do you have any questions, feedback or would you like advice? Feel free to contact me directly.

Marc Bastien
TIMETOACT Software & Consulting GmbHContact
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